Sunday 9 June 2013

Lots of Wood

Some of you may already subscribe to Jarrod Stonedahl's blog (if you don't, you should) and if you do then you will have seen the excellent video he put up recently showing how he axes out a spoon blank. I watched it on Thursday evening and by Friday afternoon I was really looking forward to going home and trying out some of the technique that he displays. The sun was shining and everything was looking good for an evenings carving. I only wished that I had some nice green wood to work with. I couldn't believe my luck when on my walk home I passed a tree surgeon who was taking down some sycamore. As an amateur greenwood worker  I don't have a regular source of material so this was a real find and I have enough for a score of bowls, and spoons galore. I couldn't wait to get some on the lathe and so spoons were out of the picture Friday night and I turned this bowl instead.

I was surprised at how long it took to carve the cut out decoration, but I'm happy with the result. I'm very grateful for my new supply of wood, but sycamore is a bit boring (plain and a bit grey) so this will end up getting painted.

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